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Worship Service
Sundays 10:30am
Bible Study
Tuesdays 7:00pm
Pastor Charlie &
First Lady DeEtta Rivens
A couple who are valuable assets to one another in their belief of the ministry; yoked together to do God's work. Strong believers in living and doing God's will. Their ministry is a partnership in all areas of life. Their goal is to reach and save lives and bring glory to God in all things.
Pastor Charlie &
First Lady DeEtta Rivens
A couple who are valuable assets to one another in their belief of the ministry; yoked together to do God's work. Strong believers in living and doing God's will. Their ministry is a partnership in all areas of life. Their goal is to reach and save lives and bring glory to God in all things.
Le lieu Église
adorer à
3835 WWT, boulevard Harris
Charlotte, Caroline du Nord
Exodus 15:17 (NRSV)
“You brought them in and planted them on the mountain of your own possession,
The place, O Lord, that you made your abode, the sanctuary, O Lord, that your hands have established.”
...a place for you
...your place to connect with God
...a place for you
...your place to connect with God
Voir l' étude biblique page pour plus d'informations.
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